Oden Enterprises, Inc.

P.O. Box 26
1110 North Spruce
Wahoo, Nebraska 68066
Contact: Stuart Oden
Phone: (402) 443-4502
Fax: (402) 443-5289
Email: stu.oden@yahoo.com
Website: www.odenenterprisesinc.com

Listed below are the company procedures. Click on the column header to sort by that column.

Approval Date Legend:

Image Description
About to Expire on Jan. 31, 2026.
Expires this month.
none Procedures Approval is Current

Sorted by: Company Procedure Number Ascending

AWS Joint DesignationCompany Procedure NumberRevision NumberMaterial SpecsWelding ProcessApproval DateApprover Name
FilletFCAW-181ASTM A709-50WT3 (M270)FCAW 4/7/2022 Joel Hernandez