Shawnee Steel & Welding

6124 Merriam Drive
Merriam, KS 66203
Contact: Don Schepis
Phone: (913) 432-8046

Listed below are the company procedures. Click on the column header to sort by that column.

Approval Date Legend:

Image Description
About to Expire on Jan. 31, 2026.
Expires this month.
none Procedures Approval is Current

Sorted by: Company Procedure Number Ascending

AWS Joint DesignationCompany Procedure NumberRevision NumberMaterial SpecsWelding ProcessApproval DateApprover Name
TC-F12-GF1C131B1-035 KDOT4Groups I & IIGMAW 9/23/2024 Joel Hernandez
TC-F12-GF1C131B1-035 KDOT Robotic Fillet3Groups I & IIGMAW 9/23/2024 Joel Hernandez
B-U2a-GF1C132C4-035 KDOT3Groups I & IIGMAW 9/23/2024 Joel Hernandez
B-P1a-GF1C133P1-045 KDOT3D1.1 GROUPS I-II GMAW 9/23/2024 Joel Hernandez
BC-P2-GF1C133P3-035 KDOT3Groups I & IIGMAW 9/23/2024 Joel Hernandez
BTC-P4-GF1C133P5-035 KDOT3Groups I & IIGMAW 9/23/2024 Joel Hernandez
BTC-P4-GF1C133P5-045 KDOT3Groups I & IIGMAW 9/23/2024 Joel Hernandez
BTC-10P-GF1C133P17-045 kdot3Groups I & IIGMAW 9/23/2024 Joel Hernandez
TC-F12-GFKDOT Robotic Fillet D1.42A36 TO A615 Gr 40GMAW 9/23/2024 Joel Hernandez