AWS Weld Detail Legend:
Legend for Figures 2.4 and 2.5
Symbols for joint types
- B-butt joint
- C-corner joint
- T-T-joint
- BC-butt or corner joint
- TC-T-or corner joint
- BTC-butt, T-, or corner joint
Symbols for base metal thickness and penetration
- L-limited thickness-complete joint penetration
- U-unlimited thickness-complete joint penetration
- P-partial joint penetration
Symbols for weld types
- 1-square-groove
- 2-single-V-groove
- 3-double-V-groove
- 4-single-bevel-groove
- 5-double-bevel-groove
- 6-single-U-groove
- 7-double-U-groove
- 8-single-J-groove
- 9-double-J-groove
- 10-flare-bevel-groove
Symbols for welding processes if not shielded metal arc
- S-submerged arc welding
- G-gas metal arc welding
- F-flux cored arc welding
Welding processes
- SMAW-shielded metal arc welding
- GMAW-gas metal arc welding
- FCAW-flux cored arc welding
- SAW-submerged arc welding
Welding positions
- F-flat
- H-horizontal
- V-vertical
- OH-overhead
The lower case letters, e.g., a, b, c, etc., are used to differentiate between joints
that would otherwise have the same joint designation.
- NOTE A: Groove preparations detailed for shielded metal arc welded joints may be
used for gas metal arc or flux cored arc welding.
- NOTE B: Joint is welded from one side only.
- NOTE C: Gouge root to sound metal before welding second side.
- NOTE D: Minimum weld size (E) is shown in Table 2.2; S as specified on drawings.
- NOTE E: Evidence of complete joint penetration is required (see 4.7.5).
- NOTE F: Groove welds in corner and T-joints shall be reinforced with fillet welds
equal to 1/4 T1, but need not exceed 3/8 in.
- NOTE G: Double-groove welds may have grooves of unequal depth, but the depth of
the shallower groove shall be no less than one-fourth of the thickness of the thinner
part joined.
- NOTE H: Double-groove welds may have grooves of unequal depth, provided they conform
to the limitations of Note D. Also, the weld size (E), less any reduction, applies
individually to each groove.
- NOTE I: The orientation of the two members in the joints may vary from 135 deg to
180 deg, provided that the basic joint configura tion (groove angle, root face,
root opening) remains the same and that the design weld size is maintained.
- NOTE J: For corner and T-joints, the member orientation may be changed provided
the groove angle is maintained as specified.
- NOTE K: The member orientation may be changed provided that the groove dimensions
are maintained as specified.
- NOTE L: The orientation of the two members in the joints may vary from 45 deg to
135 deg for corner joints and from 45 deg to 90 deg for T-joints, provided that
the basic joint configuration (groove angle, root face, root opening) remains the
same and that the design weld size is maintained.