Valmont Industries, Inc.

7002 N. 288th St.
P.O. Box 358
Valley, Nebraska 68064-0358
Phone: (402)359-2201

Listed below are the company procedures. Click on the column header to sort by that column.

Approval Date Legend:

Image Description
About to Expire on Jan. 31, 2026.
Expires this month.
none Procedures Approval is Current

Sorted by: Company Procedure Number Ascending

AWS Joint DesignationCompany Procedure NumberRevision NumberMaterial SpecsWelding ProcessApproval DateApprover Name
BTC-P4-GFWPA032a Gr.I,II to Gr. I,II,IIIGMAW 8/11/2023 Joel Hernandez
ButtWPS0224A595 GR.A TO A595 GR.AHFRW 6/3/2024 Joel Hernandez
BTC-P4-GFWPS03210AWS D1.1 Groups I, II to Groups I,II,IIIGMAW Company Procedure WPS032 will expire Jan. 31 next year 10/11/2021 Joel Hernandez
TC-U4b-GF CJPWPS084b1AWS D1.1 Group II to Groups I ,IIFCAW Company Procedure WPS084b will expire Jan. 31 next year 10/11/2021 Joel Hernandez
TC-U4b-GFWPS1171AWS D1.1 Group II to Groups I,IIGMAW Company Procedure WPS117 will expire Jan. 31 next year 10/11/2021 Joel Hernandez
TC-U4a-GFWPS11911AWS D1.1 Groups I, II to Groups I,II,IIIGMAW Company Procedure WPS119 will expire Jan. 31 next year 10/11/2021 Joel Hernandez
TC-U4a-GFWPS119a Gr.I,II to Gr. I,II,IIIGMAW 8/11/2023 Joel Hernandez
FilletWPS12210AWS D1.1 Groups I, II to Groups I,II,IIIGMAW Company Procedure WPS122 will expire Jan. 31 next year 10/11/2021 Joel Hernandez
FilletWPS122a Gr.I,II to Gr. I,II,IIIGMAW 8/11/2023 Joel Hernandez
B-U5-GFWPS1343AWS D1.1 Groups I, II to Groups I,II,IIIGMAW Company Procedure WPS134 will expire Jan. 31 next year 10/11/2021 Joel Hernandez
Square GrooveWPS148A0A572 Gr 55 Group IIHYBRID LBW/GMAW 7/30/2024 Joel Hernandez
Square GrooveWPS148B0A572 Gr 55 Group IIHYBRID LBW/GMAW 7/30/2024 Joel Hernandez
Square GrooveWPS148C0A572 Gr 55 Group IIHYBRID LBW/GMAW 7/30/2024 Joel Hernandez
Square GrooveWPS148D2A572 Gr 55 Group IIHYBRID LBW/GMAW 7/30/2024 Joel Hernandez
B-U2-GFWPS152B3AWS D1.1 Groups I, II to Groups I,II,IIIGMAW Company Procedure WPS152B will expire Jan. 31 next year 10/11/2021 Joel Hernandez
B-L1b-GFWPS1574AWS D1.1 Groups I, II to Groups I,II,IIIGMAW Company Procedure WPS157 will expire Jan. 31 next year 10/11/2021 Joel Hernandez
Square GrooveWPS1584A572 Grade 55SAW - GMAW 5/4/2022 Joel Hernandez
ButtWPS163 A595 GR.A TO A595 GR.AHFRW-GMAW 5/4/2022 Joel Hernandez