Capital Contractors Inc.

1001 North 9th Street
Lincoln, Nebraska 68508
Phone: (402) 476-1021

Listed below are the company procedures. Click on the column header to sort by that column.

Approval Date Legend:

Image Description
About to Expire on Jan. 31, 2026.
Expires this month.
none Procedures Approval is Current

Sorted by: Company Procedure Number Ascending

AWS Joint DesignationCompany Procedure NumberRevision NumberMaterial SpecsWelding ProcessApproval DateApprover Name
TC-U5-S303A709 Gr 36, 50, 50WT3SAW Company Procedure 30 will expire Jan. 31 this month 2/17/2020 Kevin Collins
Fillet359ASTM A709 GR 36,50,50WT3FCAW 6/8/2022 Kevin Collins
Fillet4313ASTM A709 GR 36,50,50WT3FCAW 6/8/2022 Kevin Collins
Fillet5518ASTM A709 GR 36,50,50WT3FCAW 6/8/2022 Kevin Collins
TC-U4b-s882A709 Gr 36, 50, 50WT3SAW Company Procedure 88 will expire Jan. 31 this month 2/17/2020 Kevin Collins
B-U3c-S1626A709 Gr 36, 50T3 & 50WT3SAW 7/10/2024 Kevin Collins
Butt1662A709 A36, 50 50WT3FCAW 2/7/2024 Joel Hernandez
T-Joint (Fillet) 90 Degrees2022A709 A50, 50W, 50WT3SAW 7/10/2024 Kevin Collins
T-Joint (Fillet) 90 Degrees2033A709 Gr 36,50,50W T3SAW 8/3/2024 Kevin Collins
Fillet204 ASTM A709 GR 36,50,50WT3SAW 3/9/2022 Kevin Collins