Metal Pros, L.L.C.

4323 Bounous
Wichita, KS 67209
Phone: (316) 942-2238
Fax: (316) 942-3143

Listed below are the company procedures. Click on the column header to sort by that column.

Approval Date Legend:

Image Description
About to Expire on Jan. 31, 2025.
Expires this month.
none Procedures Approval is Current

Sorted by: Company Procedure Number Ascending

AWS Joint DesignationCompany Procedure NumberRevision NumberMaterial SpecsWelding ProcessApproval DateApprover Name
FilletAL0011D1.2 Group M23GMAW Company Procedure AL001 will expire Jan. 31 next year 6/10/2020 Bret Calvin
BU2aAL3015D1.2 Group M23GMAW 2/23/2023 Joel Hernandez
TC-U4aALB101 D1.2 Group M23GMAW 2/23/2023 Joel Hernandez
T-Joint / FilletALF001 D1.2 Group M23GMAW 2/23/2023 Joel Hernandez
FilletFC0011D1.1 Groups I & IIFCAW Company Procedure FC001 will expire Jan. 31 next year 6/5/2020 Bret Calvin
TC-F12-GFFC0023D1.1 Groups I & IIFCAW Company Procedure FC002 will expire Jan. 31 next year 11/24/2020 Bret Calvin
TC-F12a-GFFC003 D1.1 Groups I & IIFCAW Company Procedure FC003 will expire Jan. 31 next year 11/24/2020 Bret Calvin
TC-F12a-GFFC004 D1.1 Groups I & IIFCAW Company Procedure FC004 will expire Jan. 31 next year 11/24/2020 Bret Calvin
BTC-P4-GFFC102 D1.1 Groups I & IIFCAW Company Procedure FC102 will expire Jan. 31 next year 11/24/2020 Bret Calvin
BC-P2-GFFC1053D1.1 GROUPS I-II FCAW 5/21/2024 Joel Hernandez
TC-U4a-GFFC202 D1.1 Groups I & IIFCAW Company Procedure FC202 will expire Jan. 31 next year 11/24/2020 Bret Calvin
TC-U5-GFFC203 D1.1 Groups I & IIFCAW Company Procedure FC203 will expire Jan. 31 next year 11/24/2020 Bret Calvin