CNC Metal Shape Construction

1726 South Agnew
Oklahoma City, OK 73108
Contact: Wes Manley
Phone: (405) 819-3592

Listed below are the company procedures. Click on the column header to sort by that column.

Approval Date Legend:

Image Description
About to Expire on Jan. 31, 2025.
Expires this month.
none Procedures Approval is Current

Sorted by: Company Procedure Number Ascending

AWS Joint DesignationCompany Procedure NumberRevision NumberMaterial SpecsWelding ProcessApproval DateApprover Name
T-Joint (Fillet) 90 Degrees Single Pass OnlySM 250 -V 70184A709 Gr 36,50,50W T3SMAW 7/9/2024 Joel Hernandez
T-Joint (Fillet) 90 Degrees Single Pass OnlySM 250-70184A709 Gr 36,50,50W T3SMAW 7/9/2024 Joel Hernandez
T-Joint (Fillet) 90 Degrees Single Pass OnlySM 250 7018- OH4A709 Gr 36,50,50W T3SMAW 7/9/2024 Joel Hernandez
T-Joint (Fillet) 90 DegreesSM250-80185A709 Gr 36,50,50W T3SMAW 7/9/2024 Joel Hernandez
T-Joint (Fillet) 90 DegreesSM250-8018-OH5A709 Gr 36,50,50W T3SMAW 7/9/2024 Joel Hernandez
T-Joint (Fillet) 90 DegreesSM250-8018-V5A709 Gr 36,50,50W T3SMAW 7/9/2024 Joel Hernandez
Skewed T-Joint 70 Degrees Single Pass OnlySM250-SK-70182A709 Gr 36,50,50W T3SMAW 7/9/2024 Joel Hernandez
Skewed T-Joint 70 DegreesSM250-SK-80182A709 Gr 36,50,50W T3SMAW 7/9/2024 Joel Hernandez